Minute of Meeting of 18 August 2015

Kalewater Community Council

Minute of Meeting on Tuesday 18 August 2015

In the Village Institute, Morebattle

Present: Community Councillors; Eric McNulty (Chair), Barbara Bell, Michael Scott (Secretary), Dot Halliday, Richard Pedersen, Catherine Mabon, Pat Mileham.

SBC Councillors Simon Mountford.

Public: Nil





Community councillor; Tom Edgar, Neil Thomson, Andrew McEwan, Matilda Hall.

SBC Councillor; Alec Nicol.



Minutes of Previous Meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting of 21 July having been circulated were passed as a true record of events.

Proposed: Cllr Pedersen; Seconded: Cllr. Halliday







Matters Arising from Actions 21 July 2015

Morebattle Development Site

Chair considering another letter.



Caverton Bridge Closure

A Traffic Regulation Order has been published by SBC.



Morebattle PS School Roll

Data will be passed regularly to SBC Cllr Mountford by the headteacher.



Community Council group email

Action completed by Cllr McEwan.



Defibrillator Training

Cllr Halliday had been in touch with the NHS Resuscitation Officer and that the dummy defibrillator is available. Training would take place in the Morebattle Institute w/c 21 September for a max. 12 participants each evening. Details to be confirmed and publicised.





Cllr Halliday


Planning Consultation

Action completed by Secretary.




Collision between bus and articulated lorry 9 July

Chair had discussed incident with PS Officer Howgego who would be contacted re. a visit to the next community council meeting.





Pothole, Morebattle

Cllr Mabon had emailed SBC officer Ronnie Pattenden re. potholes and the footway in Main Street, Morebattle. These areas are due for ‘longer-term repairs’.



81 Bus Service

Chair noted that the 81 service had failed to appear in Morebattle at 0825hrs on both 14 and 17 August.



Presentation from David Mallin, Lead Officer for Localities (Cheviot Area), Strategic Policy Unit, Chief Executive's Department, Scottish Borders Council.

As a response to budget pressures in the public sector there were moves to achieve better integration of locality-based public service activity. Scottish Govt. has introduced the Community Empowerment Act which could see local communities take over community assets and then access non-public sector funding sources. There could be difficulties in trying to measure the success of any changes.

Chair thanked Mr Mallin for his presentation.




SBC Waste Management Plan consultation

Item moved to September agenda due to absence of the circulation folder which included the plan consultation document.






Cllr Mabon passed Secretary a letter of thanks from recipient of the Bob Pringle Award John Mabon which was read out.



Items for Circulation Folder

The Secretary summarised some of the items going into the new circulation folder as listed on the agenda.

·  HMICS Review of call handling - Police Scotland

·  Kelso Ward Police Report, July 2015

·  Commission on Local Tax Reform, public event Galashiels, Monday 14 September 2015

·  Digital engagement for Community Councils workshops, autumn 2015

·  SESplan Main Issues Report Consultation: Upcoming Events

·  Scottish Resilient Communities Conference, 23 September 2015

·  LBGCS 5th Review of Electoral Arrangements, Public Consultation, deadline 22 October 2015

·  B6401 Caverton Mill - Road Closure details












Linton Hall

Chair reported ongoing activity to improve access to Linton Hall for local community. SBC Cllr Mountford has passed the Hall deeds to SBC Legal section for advice on the access situation. Cllr Pedersen noted that there would be a Community Resilience planning meeting at the Hall on 15 September.





Community Council position of Vice-Chair

Cllr Halliday objected to her election to the office in her absence at the May AGM.




Kalewater CC September meeting

Due to a clash of dates with a Scotland in Bloom event on 15 September it was agreed to hold the next meeting on Tuesday 8 September.



Letter of thanks

Secretary to draft a letter of thanks to George Aitchison for his time on the community council representing the community of Hownam.





Dog Fouling

Cllr Mabon noted that there had been recent problems of dog fouling by the village shop. Secretary to forward a PDF of a dog fouling awareness poster.






Morebattle Public Toilet

Cllr Bell had recently discussed the public toilet with SBC Officer Alistair Finnie. SBC Cllr Mountford noted that any move to manage the toilet by the local community would see the maintenance costs remain with SBC.



High Speed Broadband

SBC Cllr Mountford noted that preparatory work was underway to bring high speed broadband to Yetholm from Kelso in early 2016. From there it would be extended to Morebattle and Blakelaw.



Morebattle Archive

SBC Cllr Nicol suggested that the archive become a Working Group of the community council which was agreed.



Cllr Bell


Items for Next Meeting Agenda

Waste Management Plan consultation

SesPlan Main Issues Consultation



Next Meeting

7pm Tuesday 8 September 2015, Village Institute, Morebattle.






  • Wednesday, 04 November 2015

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