Agenda of 15 May 2018

Kalewater Community Council

7.30pm (following AGM) Tuesday 15 May 2018

Village Institute, Morebattle




1.      Apologies

2.      Pass the minutes of the previous meeting on 17 April 2018

3.      Matters Arising from Actions 17 April 2018

4.      Kelso Laddie/Jethart Callant visit, 24 June 2018

5.      General Data Protection Regulation (info session at SBC HQ 17 May 6.30-8pm)

6.      South of Scotland Enterprise Agency - launch of consultation, deadline 7 June 2018

7.      Scottish Borders Physical Disability Strategy Consultation, deadline 2 July 2018

8.      Planning Application
18/00494/PPP Erection of dwellinghouse, Land South West Of Farmhouse Morebattle by Mr James Wauchope

9.      Correspondence

10.   Circulation File

·    Move More Borders

·    Kelso Ward Police Reports, April 2018

·    Southern Uplands Partnership Newsflash April 2018

·    Events in Libraries

·    Scottish Rural Action April Newsletter

11.   AOB

12.   Matters to be discussed at the next meeting

13.   Date and time of next meeting

  • Monday, 14 May 2018

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