Minute of Meeting of 16 January 2018

Kalewater Community Council

Minute of Meeting on Tuesday 16 January 2018

In the Village Institute, Morebattle

Present: Community Councillors; Michael Scott (Secretary), Matilda Hall (Treasurer), Tamzin Thomas, Barbara Bell (Chair), Tom Edgar, Catherine Mabon, Roderick Murray (Vice-Chair and stand-in minute-taker), Caroline Lang, Catherine Henderson.

SBC Councillor Simon Mountford.

Public: Nil




Apologies Community Councillors; Andrew McEwan, Michael Scott (Secretary)



Minutes of Monthly Meeting of 19 December 2017

Item 4: Insert after  ".....carried out blind was rejected.." the words "as this was unnecessary due to process."

Item 9c: Add  " also the markings on the road itself between Morebattle and Yetholm."

Proposed: Cllr Hall; Seconded: Cllr. Mabon.





Matters Arising from Actions 19 December 2017

Induction Loop





Walter Leitch Bequest

Funds have now been received by applicants.



Bus Service 81b Kelso - Eckford - Morebattle - Yetholm – Kelso, Intention to withdraw service from 31 March 2018

Passenger numbers from SBC were very low from 2017 to 2018. Cllr Murray to discuss with Chair of Yetholm CC at 17 January meeting and report back.





Cllr Murray


Road surface issues, Morebattle

SBC Cllr Mountford confirmed that the road in village past the village hall and the pavement to it will be looked at sooner than planned following his intervention.





Walter Leitch Bequest update

See item 3b




Morebattle village shop

Cllr Hall reported that the village shop has had very positive support from recent mailing with serious levels of financial commitment. Will be moving to next stage quickly.





Planning Application
17/01735/FUL Erection of dwellinghouse, Land North And East Of Brekkan, Linton, KELSO

Community councillors were content with the planning application.







·   Community Council Insurance

Treasurer noted that insurance had recently been renewed and paid which also covered activities by the local Resilient Community Group.




Items for Circulation Folder

It was noted that the circulation folder had been put through the wrong letterbox at Caverton and that Cllr Thomson would retrieve it.



Cllr Thomson




Morebattle access path update

Path from village to Tofts Bridge delayed by work at Morebattle Tofts to repair fire damage at farm and also by a lack of gates. SBC Cllr Mountford will organise gates.

Community council happy to wait for the farmer to complete works rather than use an external contractor.





SBC Cllr Mountford


Road surface issues, Caverton Mill

SBC Cllr Mountford would follow up reports of bad pot holes on road from Caverton Mill to Caverton Mains.



SBC Cllr Mountford



A litterbin won for Britain in Bloom competition last year has yet to be delivered and installed. SBC Cllr Mountford to investigate.



SBC Cllr Mountford


Morebattle Christmas Lights

Cllr Mabon reported that the last of the  Christmas lights money had been spent replacing lights at the village hall and paying for extra lights at the institute. Remaining £2 to be returned to community council funds.



Morebattle windfall update

Cllr Murray reported that at the meeting on 17 January the funds raised from apple collection would be allocated. £850 raised and 8 applications received. Full details will go on Facebook, posters in shops and notification to both Kalewater and Yetholm community councils.



Village Field Group

Cllr Mabon reported that the village Field Committee has received funding to employ a garden architect to plan the layout of the space by the hotel which will include garden, orchard, park, walks and possibly a car park .





Bottle Bank

Cllr Edgar asked if a bottle bank could be organised in the village. Cllrs Lang and Hall; will identify potential sites and Cllr Murray to measure dimensions of Yetholm facility.




Cllrs Lang, Hall, Murray


Items for Next Meeting Agenda




Next Meeting

7pm, Tuesday 20 February 2018, Village Institute, Morebattle.






  • Saturday, 17 March 2018

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