Minute of Annual General Meeting of 20 May 2014

Kalewater Community Council


Minute of Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 20 May 2014

In the Village Institute, Morebattle

Present:  Community Councillors; Eric McNulty, Michael Scott, Dot Halliday, Paul Grime, Sarah Dixon, Matilda Hall.
SBC Cllrs Alec Nicol, Simon Mountford.





Community Councillors George Aitchison, Andrew McEwan, Richard Pedersen, Sarah Anderson and Helen Cessford.



Minutes of Previous Annual General Meeting

The minutes of the previous annual general meeting of 21 May 2013 having been circulated, were passed as a true record of events.

Proposed: Cllr Hall; Seconded: Cllr Halliday.




Matters Arising

Cllr McEwan had contacted a Linton resident who was subsequently co-opted on to the community council.




Chair’s Report on Community Council activity since AGM 21 May 2013

Here we are again another year past and this council continues to function as normal in all areas dealing with matters brought to our attention. I would like to start by thanking the other office bearers for keeping things running smoothly and also those of you who are leaving us for your input and help over the recent years. Let me now look back on the main events and challenges of the last year.

As always our first event is the annual Kelso Laddie/ Jethart Callant visit on June 23rd which went to plan as councillors along with volunteers from the community pulling together a welcome to the visitors from the both towns which is always appreciated on the day.

In July after months of waiting new play park equipment was due to be installed at the village school but there was some delay in the installation due to a neighbour objection. Once this had been resolved the equipment was finally installed in early August.

Following the inspection in late July Morebattle in Bloom came second in the annual competition. This continuing success can only be achieved each year by the time given to watering plants and maintaining the flower beds and containers and finding new ways to enhance the local environment.

In November there was finally a decision by Scottish Borders Council planners to reject the Whitton Edge Wind farm application. Vattenfall wind appealed the decision in February 14 but were again unsuccessful. From a community prospective our voice was never heard during the whole decision process as the main reasons for rejection were disruption of historical sites and ruination of picturesque views which are important but the construction road that would bypass the centre of the village and Mansfield avenue and regular funding for local projects would be a great asset to this community.

Following on from last year we now have a full Resilience committee set up ready to respond to any emergency situations with safety and other equipment already supplied. There will be a practice exercise to test the system setup in the near future.

Over the last few months there has been a concerted effort to raise funds for the installation of Defibrillators for the local communities and in March we were given an excellent demonstration on how to setup and use by the Scottish Ambulance Service.

At last month's meeting we were given a presentation by Roxburgh & Berwickshire Citizens Advice Bureau around the introduction off their Outreach Service which will hold a monthly session in the village institute with the main emphasis on the current and future changes to the benefits system but the will be happy to discuss any matter.

There have been many other items on the agenda during the past year not mentioned here which  were discussed and dealt with at the time so now we are set for another year with new challenges to face.

Thank you all for your attendance over the last year.

Eric Mc Nulty
Kalewater Community Council



Treasurer’s Report inc. approval of annual abstract of accounts

The Treasurer tabled the official audited Accounts for 1 April 2013 to 31 March 2014 and a statement of receipts and payments for the same period. Copies of the papers were circulated amongst the councillors.

The book account stood at £181.10, the playing field account at £510.52 and the balance in the Special Interest account was £2307.44.

The Treasurer noted that the special interest account was temporarily inflated through donations for the purchase of defibrillators which would take place imminently.

The Community Council’s main source of income came from the annual population-based grant from Scottish Borders Council.

Approval of the Annual Abstract of Accounts

The community council approved the abstract of accounts.

The community council expressed its gratitude to auditors Rennie Welch.









SBC Cllr Alec Nicol took over the chair and thanked the community councillors and the Chair.


Community Councillors

With four councillors, Paul Grime, George Aitchison, Helen Cessford and Sarah Dixon reaching the end of their 4-year tenure, one co-opted member, Sarah Anderson and one existing vacancy there were a total of 6 vacancies.

Completed nomination forms were received for George Aitchison and Cathy Mabon. No elections were required. Four vacancies remain of the 12 positions.

Kalewater Community Council Members

Cllrs: Matilda Hall, Eric McNulty, Andrew McEwan, Cathy Mabon, Michael Scott, Dot Halliday, George Aitchison, Richard Pedersen.

Office Bearers

SBC Cllr Nicol thanked the previous office-bearers for their work during the past 12 months and asked for nominations.

Chair: Eric McNulty; Proposed: Cllr Hall, Seconded: Cllr Scott

Secretary: Michael Scott, Proposed: Cllr McNulty, Seconded: Cllr Halliday

Treasurer: Matilda Hall; Proposed: Cllr Scott, Seconded: Cllr McNulty

Vice-Chair: Dot Halliday; Proposed: Cllr McNulty, Seconded: Cllr Hall

SBC Cllr Nicol passed the chairing of the meeting back to Cllr McNulty.



Appointment of Auditors

Rennie Welch (George Young) were appointed as auditors for the next 12 months.

Agreed to send a letter of thanks to Jackie at Rennie Welch for the prompt and efficient production of audited accounts.








Agreement to abide by Scottish Borders Council Code of Conduct for Community Councils

Kalewater Community Councillors agreed to abide by the SBC Code of Conduct.




None raised.






  • Thursday, 21 August 2014

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