Minute of Meeting on Tuesday 18 May 2010

Kalewater Community Council


Minute of Meeting on Tuesday 18 May 2010

In the Village Institute, Morebattle

Present:  Community Councillors; Eric McNulty (chair), Michael Scott (Secretary), Keith Hanson, Cathy Mabon, Helen Cessford, Margaret Lister, Sarah Dixon, Margaret Blackmore, Andrew McEwan, George Aitchison.

SBC Cllr Alec Nicol.

0 members of the public.





Community Councillors; Barbara Jackson, Matilda Hall, Peter Tweedie.



Minutes of Previous Meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting of 20 April having been circulated, were then passed as a true record of events.

Proposed: Cllr McEwan; Seconded: Cllr Lister.



Matters Arising



Innerleithen Community Council Chair, Ross McGinn will attend the next Community Council meeting to make  a presentation on the Innerleithen ‘Community Profile’.



Cllr McEwan and Cllr Cessford will meet SBC Waste officer Dominic Hodgkiss on 26 or 27 May to discuss glass recycling.



Cllr McEwan noted that Morebattle PS headteacher Linda McCall would be happy to attend the next Community Council meeting to give an update on school matters.



No further information on Cheviot Hill Heritage maps.



SBC Cllr Nicol noted that Morebattle was a Conservation Area and entitled to a red BT kiosk, but that it would be a difficult fight to have it reinstated. Chair confirmed that local residents wanted to see the red kiosk return. Cllr Cessford noted that there was now a trip hazard where the kiosk had been removed.

Chair to forward information to SBC Cllr Nicol.






No date for Red Cross First Aid session at the village hall.



Cllr McNulty expecting a response from John Dellow (SBC Passenger Transport) re. poor bus connections. SBC Cllr Nicol suggested keeping a written record of all communications relating to bus problems as SBC pays substantial subsidies to transport companies. ‘Connecting’ services must wait 10 minutes, which means that the 81 service is not a ’connecting’ service.



Noted that the Police report did not include any mention of an incident in Morebattle in late February. Secretary to request details from Police contact.



Scottish Community Foundation

Chair reported that he had contacted SCF officer Nick Addington. SCF are not involved in negotiations with windfarm developers but are involved in setting-up funding bodies. NA has had contact with Vattenfall in respect of two other community councils. SCF can offer support for community benefit funds if the developer asks them to become involved. NA noted that windfarm developers tend to negotiate within a financial band.

Cllr McEwan noted that Jeanette Thomson, representing Vattenfall had been in touch to confirm that the company was keen to progress community benefit funding arrangements ion relation to Whitton.

SBC Cllr Nicol noted that SBC had the in-house capacity to undertake a community profile. Cllr Nicol to investigate further.








SBC Cllr Nicol


Kelso Laddie
Chair has contacted Sandra Little to confirm 20 June as Morebattle rideout. No ‘master of ceremonies’ agreed yet.

Cllr Cessford to agree catering arrangements with Barbara Jackson and Cllr Blackmore.

Cllr McNulty to discuss refreshments with Temple Hall Inn.

Noted that the Kelso Laddie organises the pipe band.

Cllr Cessford to contact dancers. Cllr Blackmore suggested that the dancers are requested to wait so that they can receive their gifts.

Cathy Mabon to supply 6 rosettes.

Cllr Blackmore to supply songsheets.



 Cllr Cessford

                             Cllr McNulty


Cllr Cessford

                         Cathy Mabon

Cllr Blackmore



Secretary read items listed on agenda.

·   Local Paths: Maintenance grants for Community Councils in Scottish Borders

·   SBC Temp. Traffic Regulation Order Hunter Bridge, Kelso 25-27 May

·   Lothian & Borders Police report for Kalewater Community Council January-May 2010

·   Letter from SBC Road User Manager re. possible adoption of footpath, Teapot Street, Morebattle

Secretary to write to PED director Ian Lindley and enforcement officer requesting update on enforcement of the planning conditions relating to this development. A reinstatement of the original footpath would be acceptable to the community council.

·   Letter from SBC Access Ranger re. possible adoption of footpath, Teapot Street, Morebattle

·   Letter from SBC re. BT adoption scheme for Red Telephone Kiosks (Morebattle not included).

Secretary to contact SBC Officer Douglas Scott re. Hownam kiosk and its retention as a working BT box.

·   Christmas lights supplier information















Items for Circulation Folder

The Secretary summarised items going into the new circulation folder as listed on the agenda.

·   Kelso Town Centre plans, public exhibition 21-22 May, Cross Keys Hotel, Kelso

·   ‘Villages set to reap benefits of turbine cash’, Southern Reporter news item 22 April

·   Minutes of Kelso Community Woodlands & Kelso Area Pathways 31 March

·   Safer Borders Newsletter May 2010

·   National conference ‘Better Community Engagement’ 15 June, Glasgow

·   Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service














  • Secretary gave update on potholes from SBC Officer Ronnie Pattenden..
  • Secretary noted that SBC was intending to improve its web presence for community councils and had requested images..
  • Cllr McEwan suggested the first recipient for the Bob Pringle Award which everyone agreed.

It was clarified that award nominations could be made through any community councillor and that the decision is a collective one.

Cllr McEwan to place a poster publicising the award in the village shop and to find a suitable trophy.

  • Cllr Dixon suggested that the community council meet in Hownam village hall for the July meeting. Everyone agreed.







Cllr McEwan



Items for Next Meeting 15 June 2010

Kelso Laddie preparations

Scottish Community Foundation

Linda McCall

Ross McGinn





Meeting concluded at 9.00pm.






  • Tuesday, 18 May 2010

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