Minute of Meeting of 15 May 2018
Kalewater Community Council Minute of Meeting on Tuesday 15 May 2018 In the Village Institute, Morebattle Present: Community Councillors; Roderick Murray (Vice-Chair), Matilda Hall (Treasurer), Michael Scott (Secretary), Lesley Sunderland, Caroline Lang, Catherine Henderson, Tamzin Thomas, Barbara Bell (Chair). SBC Councillor Simon Mountford. Public: 2 |
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Apologies Community Councillor Tom Edgar. |
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Minutes of Monthly Meeting of 17 April 2018 Proposed: Cllr Lang; Seconded: Cllr. Thomas. |
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Matters Arising from Actions 17 April 2018 Walter Leitch Bequest Chair reported that she had contacted the Head Teachers at Jedburgh, Kelso and Earlston but had no replies to date. Cllr Murray would take a copy to the Morebattle PS Parent Teacher Council on 16 May. |
Cllr Murray |
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Recycling Chair queried whether only one glass recycling receptacle might be required if waste glass didn’t required to be separated. SBC Cllr Mountford to ask SBC Recycling Officer for advice. |
SBC Cllr Mountford |
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KCC Nominations gift Chair to buy a thank you present for the local resident responsible for receiving nominations. |
Chair |
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Community company Former community councillor Mabon asked re. whether the KCC Playing Field bank account (currently £500) could be available for the amenity land project in the future. Chair asked the meeting if there was support should the Kalewater community company succeed in getting Scottish Land Fund support. All those present were content with the proposal. SBC Cllr Mountford noted that the 2nd tranche of Localities Funding would be launched in June and that as a new project the community company would be eligible to bid. Cllr Murray noted there would be an application for the Morebattle PS school shelter. |
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Kelso Laddie/Jethart Callant visit, 24 June 2018 Chair checked with former councillor Mabon that food provision and volunteers were in hand, which they were. A speaker has been found. Chair would carry out a new risk assessment. Cllr Murray confirmed that adjusted steps were in hand for the flat-bed. |
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General Data Protection Regulation (info session at SBC HQ 17 May 6.30-8pm) Secretary to request SBC Officer Clare Malster re. specific guidance for community councils as it seemed likely that no-one from KCC could attend the info session. |
Secretary |
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South of Scotland Enterprise Agency - launch of consultation, deadline 7 June 2018 Awareness meeting in Kelso on 23 May. |
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Scottish Borders Physical Disability Strategy Consultation, deadline 2 July 2018 Secretary to recirculate before June meeting. |
Secretary |
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Planning Application The meeting was content with the proposal but with reservations that any further development could be problematic due to traffic issues and drainage. The applicant could be asked to accommodate a passing place. Change of Use for field behind hotel to become a village recreation ground It was noted that both Scottish Land Fund applicants in Morebattle were now working and communicating together. There was support for the change of use as creating the potential for huge community asset if the Scottish Land Fund bid by the Kalewater Community Company was successful. There was concern that future maintenance of the site could become a problematic issue due to cost. Chair, as a member of the Kalewater Community Company, absented herself from the community council decision. There were no objections. |
Secretary |
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Correspondence Area Partnership Review meeting 16 May, Kelso HS Chair to attend. |
Chair |
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Items for Circulation Folder · Police Scotland Kelso Ward Monthly Reports – April 2018 · Southern Uplands Partnership: What sort of future do we want for the south of Scotland? · South of Scotland Enterprise Agency - launch of consultation, deadline 7 June 2018 · Scottish Borders Physical Disability Strategy Consultation, deadline 2 July 2018 · Consultation seeking views on the update of The Licensing (Procedure) (Scotland) Regulations 2007, deadline 6 June 2018 · Tweed Forum newsletter · Scottish Borders libraries rules consultation survey, deadline 22 April 2018 · Scottish Borders Community Council Network, letter to SBC re. Community Empowerment · Celebrate Community Councils - #CelebrateCCs Twitter Campaign |
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AOB Cemetery Member of the public present asked if the community council could contact SBC re. the need for grass-cutting around the pebble path and for dogs-on-leads signs at the cemetery gates and for dog-fouling signs generally in Morebattle. SBC Cllr Mountford noted that the frequency of mowing had been reduced across all SBC sites. |
SBC Cllr Mountford |
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KCC Strimmer Strimming volunteer Eric has requested that the strimmer is serviced. Cllr Murray to take equipment to Lloyds. |
Cllr Murray |
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Road lining |
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Morebattle Interpretive Board As part of the Scottish Land Fund bids the two applicants had asked if they could use the interpretive panel image. Chair to check whether the community council owns the copyright |
Chair |
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Items for Next Meeting Agenda 24 June ride-out to Morebattle and two consultations. |
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Next Meeting 7pm, Tuesday 19 June 2018, Village Institute, Morebattle, following the AGM. |
Signed: Date: |
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