Minute of Meeting of 16 March 2021

Kalewater Community Council

Minute of Meeting on Tuesday 16 March 2021

Online via Zoom

Present: Community Councillors; Barbara Bell (Chair), Matilda Hall (Treasurer), Lesley Sunderland, Michael Scott, (Secretary), Catherine Henderson, Tamzin Thomas.

SBC Councillors; Simon Mountford, Euan Robson.

Public: Nil




Apologies: Siusaidh Hall, Tom Edgar, Caroline Lang.



Minutes of Monthly Meeting of 16 February 2021

Proposed Cllr Thomas, Seconded: Cllr. Sunderland.




Matters Arising from Actions 16 February 2021


Community Council vacancies

Information is on the Morebattle noticeboard.



Morebattle Toilets

Request for a ‘Closed’ sign to be added.


SBC Cllr Mountford


Scottish Borders Area Partnership attendance

SBC Cllr Mountford reported that he had spoken to SBC Officer Clare Malster and that councillor Henderson has been invited to the next meeting.




Cllr Henderson


Forthcoming vacancies for Secretary and Treasurer office-bearers

Cllr Murray has been making village shop customers aware of the opportunities to get involved.

Chair to draft a print communication for local distribution, including Cessford, Hownam and Caverton.

Cllrs Thomas and Murray offered to help distribute the flyer.

Chair suggested that the defibrillators could also be checked during any mail-drop. Cllr Henderson would check the Linton unit.

Secretary noted that during the ongoing Covid-19 restrictions the community council could continue to operate with only 3 members.

Chair noted that any local 6th year students studying politics might be interested in being co-opted.







Cllrs Murray, Thomas


Cllr Henderson



Secretary briefed the meeting on a delivery of Scottish Borders Community Council Network 2019 guides for Berwickshire community councils that had arrived without any accompanying note. Suggested that he contact the chair, Colin McGrath.

On the issue of community councils SBC Cllr Robson noted that the SBC 5-yearly review of the community council scheme was underway and as he sits on the group he will provide updates.

Cllr Murray concerned about proposals to potentially amalgamate community council with village hall committees. Morebattle has two active hall committees. SBC Cllr Mountford thought that the review would come forward with a range of proposals.






Request from a member of the local community

Secretary reported a request from a local resident to name a section of road after a well-known resident in the Kalewater CC area who had recently died. Cllr Murray knew everyone concerned and would respond to the request.







Cllr Murray


Scottish Borders Council second phase consultation on draft Anti-Poverty Strategy, deadline 16 May 2021

Chair to circulate.





Overgrown path near Kale Water

Chair had received an email from a member of the local community re. an overgrown and unmanaged path at the bottom of Well Brae which accesses the Jubilee Bridge. Chair noted that the Kale Water was undercutting the riverside path.

Cllr Sunderland noted that material had been deposited near the repaired section of boardwalk.

Contact SBC Access team.








Cllr Sunderland


Morebattle Village Shop

Chair noted how good the customer service and management of the village shop had been in the past 12 months – extremely helpful and well-stocked. There had been lots of improvements and there were more to come.



Covid-19 Vaccinations

Chair thanked all members of the Kalewater community involved in vaccination efforts (inc Cllr Henderson).



Items for Next Meeting Agenda

Scottish Borders Council second phase consultation on draft Anti-Poverty Strategy, deadline 16 May 2021



Next Meeting

7pm, Tuesday 20 April 2021, online via Zoom.



Signed:                                                            Date:

  • Thursday, 13 May 2021

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