Minute of Meeting of 17 July 2018
Kalewater Community Council Minute of Meeting on Tuesday 17 July 2018 In the Village Institute, Morebattle Present: Community Councillors; Matilda Hall (Treasurer), Michael Scott (Secretary), Lesley Sunderland, Caroline Lang, Tamzin Thomas, Barbara Bell (Chair). SBC Councillor Simon Mountford. Public: Nil |
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Apologies Community Councillors Tom Edgar, Roderick Murray, Catherine Henderson. |
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Minutes of Monthly Meeting of 19 June 2018 Amend ‘Next meeting’ item. Proposed: Cllr Lang; Seconded: Cllr. Sunderland. |
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Matters Arising from Actions 19 June 2018 Minutes of Monthly Meeting of 15 May 2018 Completed. |
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Walter Leitch Bequest No update from SBC contact. No applications to date, deadline 31 July 2018. Chair to chase up school contacts. |
Chair |
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KCC Nominations gift A small orchid was presented. |
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Kelso Laddie/Jethart Callant visit, 24 June 2018 Chair thanked everyone who had participated and helped. The issue with the steps was noted as needing a solution for 2019. |
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Insurance Secretary read out response from Edinburgh City Council. It was suggested that Kelso Laddies’ Association be contacted in relation to insurance for the Morebattle ride-out and Yetholm CC in relation to their Resilience Group. |
Secretary |
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GDPR awareness Secretary unable to attend. |
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Scottish Borders Physical Disability Strategy Consultation, deadline 2 July 2018 Completed. |
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Planning Applications Completed. |
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SBC: Developing Digital Skills survey Secretary read out response. |
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Pass minutes of AGM of 15 May 2018 Amend Chair report ‘Graeme’. Proposed: Cllr Lang; Seconded: Cllr. Bell. |
Secretary |
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Planning Matters 18/00729/FUL Marchcleuch, Change of use from Agricultural to Residential. No issues with any of the planning applications. |
Secretary |
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Correspondence · Chair tabled a thank-you card from the 2017 Jethart Callant. |
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Items for Circulation Folder · Localities Bid Fund Round 2 closes 1 October 2018 · Scottish Water - Customers across Scotland asked to use water wisely · Scottish Borders Community Council's Network Meeting 17 August 2018 · National Council of Rural Advisers consultation ‘A Rural Conversation: Together We Can, Together We Will’, deadline 24 July 2018 |
Secretary |
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AOB Morebattle in Bloom Preparations taking place on 23 July. |
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Thank you letter to Andrew McEwan Secretary to write to Andrew on behalf of Kalewater CC. |
Secretary |
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Social Housing Cllr Lang to contact Eildon Housing re. recent issues. |
Cllr Lang |
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Potholes Chair noted that a recent pedestrian accident had resulted in patching of potholes. SBC Cllr Mountford believed that the current repairs would be made more permanent. |
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Parking issues Ongoing parking issues at the junction of Main Street and Mainsfield Avenue were noted. |
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Items for Next Meeting Agenda N/A. |
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Next Meeting 7pm, Tuesday 21 August 2018, Village Institute, Morebattle. |
Signed: Date: |
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