Minute of Meeting of 17 October 2017

Kalewater Community Council

Minute of Meeting on Tuesday 17 October 2017

In the Village Institute, Morebattle

Present: Community Councillors; Catherine Mabon, Michael Scott (Secretary), Matilda Hall (Treasurer), Tamzin Thomas, Caroline Lang, Roderick Murray (Vice-Chair).

SBC Councillor Simon Mountford.

Public: Nil




Apologies Community Councillor; Andrew McEwan, Barbara Bell (Chair), Neil Thomson.

Not Present Community Councillor; Tom Edgar



Minutes of Monthly Meeting of 19 September 2017

Subject to clarification of item 9b and one name error, the minutes of 19 September having been circulated were passed as a true record of events.

Proposed: Cllr Lang; Seconded: Cllr. Thomas







Matters Arising from Actions 19 September 2017

Morebattle Street Trees

Cllr Hall updated that the Trysting tree and two other trees would be pruned, to be organised through the Morebattle in Bloom. A further tree would not be pruned due to its location.







Treasurer’s Report

Both items completed.




Treasurer has SBC grant application form. Secretary to contact SBC Access team for a copy.






Cllr Hall noted that the existing path by the Kale Water is not a Core Path. SBC Access Ranger expected to check the safety of section adjacent to the river.

Cllr Hall noted that she continued to liaise with the landowner over completing the new section of path parallel to the public road.






Cllr Hall


Dogs on school grounds

Cllr Murray had attended the Morebattle Parent Council. Confirmed that the ground in question was part of the school but that a Right of Way crossed it.

SBC Cllr Mountford had spoken to SBC officers re. fencing off the RoW and signage. They had confirmed that the site could not be fenced but that anti dog-fouling signage would be installed. SBC Cllr Mountford to request an existing waste bin be moved to the site to encourage dog users to collect after their dogs.

Cllr Murray to liaise with the Headteacher.










Cllr Murray


Scottish Borders Local Development Plan meeting

Vice-Chair read out the Chair’s notes from the meeting.

Tuesday 26th September 2017, Kelso Town Hall – Pre MIR Workshop

This was a small meeting, with two out of three attendees (Barbara Bell, Patrick Playfair) from Kalewater, which allowed some detailed conversation about the proposed Development Plan and a couple of other issues.

  1. The plan displayed on the board shows the development areas before any appeals have been made and may change in the future.
  2. I expect that Playfair Farms will make an appeal anent the proposed additional space allocated for industrial development.  Patrick Playfair made it clear that, having surrendered the original land for the current industrial site, they have no objection to more land being selected for industrial development; however, the way in which the boundaries have been drawn leaves them with a redundant area next to the school. It is unsuitable for grazing, too small as it currently stands for arable use (impossible to turn modern tractors/equipment in the space available) and they are banned from selling it for housing (one/two houses) because it is not zoned for that purpose.  Playfair Farms may look to KCC for support in this appeal. No such approach has been made to date.
  3. With the delays to use of the land zoned for housing behind Mainsfield Avenue in mind, I requested an update on plans for the upgrading of Morebattle’s sewerage system and have subsequently received the following information. [E-MAIL] It should be noted that the mains sewer does not extend as far as the current industrial site.
  4. I made mention of the need for additional cemetery space and was told that a survey of local cemeteries and their capacity was in the planning.
  5. I reiterated to the officers, the council’s concerns about recent and future possible commercial forest planting, particularly the use of farmland that had been upgraded from rough grazing over time and at public expense and the likely damage to access roads by timber vehicles.
  6. As requested by council colleagues, I made enquiries about issues surrounding renewables and was struck by the concerns of the council officers that central government would instruct them to treat the ‘upgrade’ of existing wind turbine sites to take the new super-turbines (200m+ in height) as simple technical upgrades when their new proportions could have a major impact on the landscape.

I have placed a notice in the shop window about this plan and included the URL for the survey.  https://www.scotborders.gov.uk/downloads/file/3282/pre-main_issues_report_questionnaire The deadline for return of this survey is 27th October.

A large-scale plan of Morebattle showing potential areas for industrial and housing development was displayed.





SP Energy Networks

Secretary has asked for the community council to be added to communications list.



Parking problems

Cllr Murray noted that he had the issue in hand.



Armistice Day

Treasurer has the three wreaths. Morebattle PS Headteacher is finding two pupil volunteers and Chair will be carrying out a risk assessment. Cllr Murray no longer required for the ceremony



Induction Loop

It was reported that the Chair was contacting a supplier for a demonstration.





Proposal to co-opt Catherine Henderson, The Granary, Morebattle TD5 8QU
Elector number 65512, polling district 8I.
Proposed: Cllr Hall, Seconded: Cllr Lang

In her absence, Catherine Henderson was unanimously co-opted to Kalewater Community Council until the next AGM in May 2018.

She would be contacted before the November meeting.










·   Letter from John Lamont, MP re. Morebattle’s success in the Floral Gateway Awards 2017
It was noted that the letter should probably have been directed to the Morebattle in Bloom committee




Items for Circulation Folder

·   Kelso Ward Police Reports, September 2017

·   SBC Cheviot Area - Charity Reorganisation – Consultation, Jedburgh, 18 October 2017

·   Scottish Water Community Event, Peebles, Thursday 26th October 2017

·   Data Protection registration - Renewal confirmation

·   Road Closure - Crookhouse Bridge North of Morebattle

·   Over Whitton Woodland Creation Scheme

·   Paths for All training event, Oatridge College, Broxburn, 20 October 2017

·   Community Energy Event, Discovery Museum, Newcastle, 7 November 2017

·   Borders Buses news bulletin





Closure of Kelso TIC (VisitScotland)

The Tourist Information Centre would close permanently on 31 October 2017. VisitScotland hopes that local businesses will provide a service through their ‘iKnow’ scheme.



Xmas Lights

Switch on of the illuminations is 6.30pm on Sunday 3 December. With some funds still remaining from 2016, it was agreed that the lights be extended next to the Institute.






Morebattle Interpretation Board

Cllr Hall reported that she had been asked, and had contributed to the Berwickshire Naturalists’ Club publications with an account of the interpretation board. The map version has been reprinted and is available in the village shop.



Items for Next Meeting Agenda

Sewage works, Morebattle.



Next Meeting

7pm, Tuesday 21 November 2017, Village Institute, Morebattle.







  • Tuesday, 19 December 2017

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