Minute of Meeting of 20 November 2018
Kalewater Community Council Minute of Meeting on Tuesday 20 November 2018 In the Village Institute, Morebattle Present: Community Councillors; Barbara Bell (Chair), Roddy Murray (minutes), Caroline Lang, Caroline Henderson, Tom Edgar, Tamzin Thomas. SBC Councillor Simon Mountford. Public: Nil |
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Apologies Community Councillors, Michael Scott (Secretary), Matilda Hall (Treasurer). |
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Minutes of Monthly Meeting of 16 October 2018 Proposed Cllr Murray, Seconded: Cllr. Lang. |
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Matters Arising from Actions 16 October 2018
October minutes item 9b Amend action to Cllr Murray. |
Secretary |
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Insurance No other CCs pay a premium for the resilience group on their insurance. Cllr Murray to check with Jim Fraser at SBC contingency planning (or Clair Maltman) and report back. |
Cllr Murray |
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Walter Leitch funds Outdoor classroom approved. Morebattle PS HT to contact SBC officers Kirsty Robb and Sarah Sowman to obtain funds. |
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Broadband issues Cllr Murray has collated issues and will forward to SBC Cllr Mountford. Secretary to write to BT to inquire whether they allow the PO to provide access to broadband in Morebattle area. |
Cllr Murray Secretary |
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Bins in Teapot Street Chair to check with residents of Hillside regarding access to area to the rear. |
Chair |
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Walter Leitch Fund update See item 3c. |
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Proposal for a Morebattle Festival Proposal for Music festival was briefly outlined by Cllr Murray in Cllr Hall's absence and should be held over till next meeting for Cllr Hall to brief in full. |
Secretary |
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Morebattle Christmas lights Christmas lights and the Carol service appears to be in hand through the guild and therefore no action required by KCC. |
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Bob Pringle Award Decision regarding award of Bob Pringle award to be finalised and suitable events identified at next meeting. |
Secretary |
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Planning Matters Erection of dwellinghouse, Land North West of Hownam Howgate Farmhouse, Kelso No objections were raised to planning proposal to erect dwelling North West of Hownam Howgate Farmhouse |
Secretary |
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Scottish Borders Local Biodiversity Action Plan - Public Consultation, deadline 30 November 2018 Cllr Edgar commented on the LBAP believing it was essentially a fait accompli and submissions would be ignored. |
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Correspondence · GDPR registration, SBC · Update – Scottish Borders Localities Bid Fund 2 · Letter received by SBC relating to Main Street bench, Morebattle |
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Items for Circulation Folder · Borders Building Design Awards 2018: Results · Kelso and District Police Report, October 2018 · Scot. Govt. Unconventional oil and gas consultation, deadline 18 December 2018 · Scottish Water winter newsletter and poster |
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AOB Recent death of former Kelso Laddie Ian Whellans Cllr Edgar suggested a wreath would be appropriate from Morebattle as Ian was involved in the ride-out for several years. It was agreed a wreath would be sent unless the family requested otherwise. Chair to organise. |
Chair |
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Bus Shelter Cllr Lang asked if it would be possible to have a bus shelter. SBC Cllr Mountford noted that other communities had successfully applied for funds to have them installed and he could apply on behalf of the community council. It was discussed that it has been raised before and there could be siting problems. After discussion it was agreed to wait until the shop was purchased and hours extended which would potentially allow shelter for all current bus times. |
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Dog Fouling The problem of dog fouling in the graveyard was raised again. It is not possible to ban dogs and no SBC staff are available to enforce. Kirk Session is reviewing signage etc. |
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Yetholm & Morebattle Windfall Fund Cllr Murray asked members to look for organisations which could benefit from a share of The Windfall Fund as applications would be available during December. |
Cllr Murray |
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Items for Next Meeting Agenda N/A. |
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Next Meeting 7pm, Tuesday 15 January 2019, Village Institute, Morebattle. |
Signed: Date: |
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