Minute of Meeting of 19 January 2021
Kalewater Community Council Minute of Meeting on Tuesday 19 January 2021 Online via Zoom Present: Community Councillors; Barbara Bell (Chair), Matilda Hall (Treasurer), Roddy Murray Lesley Sunderland, Michael Scott, (Secretary), Catherine Henderson, Caroline Lang, Tamzin Thomas. SBC Councillors; Simon Mountford, Euan Robson. Public: Nil |
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Apologies: Siusaidh Hall, Tom Edgar |
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Minutes of Monthly Meeting of 17 November 2020 Proposed Cllr Hall, Seconded: Cllr. Thomas. Two corrections to draft minutes were made. |
Secretary |
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Matters Arising from Actions 17 November 2020
Morebattle Toilets Chair thanked Cllr Hall and SBC Cllr Mountford for attending the meeting with herself and SBC Officer Jason Hedley. SBC Cllr Mountford summarised that SBC has no plans to re-open Morebattle toilets. He had discussed with Jason a proposal for mobile toilets at St Aidan’s church. In principle, SBC could provide £500/year toward cleaning and consumables costs. As St Aidan’s has no funds available for hiring or purchase of toilets or for providing appropriate access the proposal could not progress. Also, SBC is unable to financially assist a private enterprise. The current toilets in Main Street are not fully secured and continue to be used, despite the lack of cleaning and no covid-19 precautions. There was agreement that the toilets must be secured by SBC to reduce risk of virus spread. Contact SBC (Jason Hedley). VisitScotland to be updated so that walkers on St Cuthbert’s Way are forewarned. Once hospitality venues are allowed to reopen the local hotel could be approached to see if their facilities could be made more widely available. SBC could support such a move. |
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Morebattle Rideout 2021 SBC Cllr Mountford noted that SBC’s view is that no festivals or rideouts should go ahead in 2021 due to the ongoing health crisis around covid-19. Chair had spoken to a member of the local community re. the potential to spread the event more thinly between the village institute and the village hall but this would no longer be necessary. |
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Litter Signage has been reinstalled. |
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Noticeboard |
Chair |
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Gateschaw Bell Nothing to report. |
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20mph limits, SBC Survey for Community Councils Completed. |
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Planning matters Completed. |
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Jubilee Bridge footpath boardwalk Repaired by SBC Access team. |
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Community Council Insurance Cover 2021/2022 Secretary noted that the insurance document submission deadline is 12 February 2021. Noted that Xmas lights will be PAT checked prior to installation and outcome reported to the community council. The defibrillators are maintained by the community council. The Resilience Group’s activities are covered by the community council’s standard insurance cover. |
Secretary |
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Annual agreement to abide by Code of Conduct for Community Councillors Kalewater Community Councillors agreed to abide by the SBC Code of Conduct. Secretary to inform SBC Officer Clare Malster. |
Secretary |
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Scottish Borders Local Development Plan: Proposed Plan, consultation deadline 21 January 2021 Cllr Murray noted that the plan had been available in the Morebattle shop but there had been no feedback. Community councillors were content with the Local Development Plan. SBC Cllr Mountford reported that as a planning decision against a new house outside the current development boundary had recently been reversed on appeal, that the LDP boundary for Morebattle will be amended. |
Secretary |
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Correspondence N/A |
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Xmas Tree Treasurer has yet to receive invoice for tree.
Gritting Cllr Siusaidh Hall had been in touch to report that there had been no gritting in Hownam recently. SBC Cllr Robson noted that some of the Council’s gritting boxes haven’t all been filled. SBC Cllr Mountford noted that SBC Roads had problems in weather conditions where there was melting and refreezing on road surfaces. |
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Items for Next Meeting Agenda AGM 2021 |
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Next Meeting 7pm, Tuesday 16 February 2021, online via Zoom. |
Signed: Date: |
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