Minute of Meeting of 21 July 2015
Kalewater Community Council Minute of Meeting on Tuesday 21 July 2015 In the Village Institute, Morebattle Present: Community Councillors; Eric McNulty (Chair), Barbara Bell, Michael Scott (Secretary), Neil Thomson, Dot Halliday, Richard Pedersen, Andrew McEwan, Matilda Hall, Catherine Mabon, Pat Mileham. SBC Councillors Simon Mountford, Alec Nicol Public: Nil |
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Apologies Community councillor; Tom Edgar. New community councillor Pat Mileham introduced herself and was welcomed to the meeting by the Chair. |
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Minutes of Previous Meeting The minutes of the previous meeting of 16 June having been circulated were passed as a true record of events. Proposed: Cllr Bell; Seconded: Cllr. Mabon |
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Matters Arising from Actions 16 June 2015 Defibrillators Cllr Bell noted that private property owners with a defibrillator attached to their property should inform their insurers. |
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Morebattle Signage Issues Cllr Bell reported that after extensive research that she could find no references to The Square, Morebattle being referred to as ‘St Andrew’s Square’. |
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Morebattle Development Site Chair had not received a reply. Considering a further letter. Church of Scotland to be contacted re. large cherry tree in neighbouring graveyard. |
Cllr Hall |
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Kelso Laddie’s Rideout to Morebattle 21 June Chair reported on a successful event and thanked Cllr Mabon and others for their work |
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Caverton Bridge Closure SBC Cllr Nicol noted that the works had been brought forward by a week to accommodate Tweed Commissioners’ concerns over impact on salmon spawning. Cllr Thomson concerned over impact on farm work. SBC Cllrs Nicol & Mountford to liaise with Cllr Thomson. |
SBC Cllrs Nicol & Mountford |
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Morebattle PS School Roll SBC Cllr Mountford progressing. Would resend request. |
SBC Cllr Mountford |
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Community Council group email Cllr McEwan to set up group email address. |
Cllr McEwan |
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‘Walter Leitch’ Fund SBC Cllr Mountford awaiting details from SBC. Noted that Council officers were very busy currently |
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Morebattle Archive Cllr Bell reported that some materials might be lodged at the Heritage Hub in Hawick where they would be accessible to visitors. Some materials might be digitised. HH had links to other small groups, eg. Sprouston. Cllr McEwan offered to set up a domain name for an archive website. |
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Defibrillator Training Cllrs McNulty and Pedersen attended training at Hownam. Cllrs Mabon and Halliday would contact NHS Borders to organise training. Would use Facebook page for people to register. |
Cllrs Mabon & Halliday |
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Planning Issues · Ref 1500/773/FUL Erection of dwelling house (amendment to previous consent) Linton Burnfoot, Morebattle. No objections. |
Secretary |
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Correspondence Chair passed Secretary a note of SBC Waste Management consultation. |
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Items for Circulation Folder The Secretary summarised some of the items going into the new circulation folder as listed on the agenda. · Tweed Forum newsletter, summer 2015 · Scottish Borders Alert: Bogus Workmen · Kelso Ward Police Report, June 2015 · Scottish Government consultation: Creating a Fairer Scotland · SBCCN Agenda 1 July 2015 & Minutes 22 April 2015 · SBC Household Survey 2015 · Waste Management consultation · SBC Community Learning & Development Annual Report 2013/14 · SBC Community Council support document · Scottish Borders ‘Public Protection’ Briefing · SBC Agendas · Safer Borders Newsletter, summer 2015 |
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AOB Bob Pringle Award Cllr Hall reported that this year’s award was progressing. |
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Collision between bus and articulated lorry 9 July Cllr McNulty reported that he had been a passenger on a no. 81 bus near Primside that had collided with another vehicle but that the Police had taken no action at the time. He would raise the issue with the Kelso Community Police Officer. Secretary to forward her email address. |
Cllr McNulty Secretary |
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Pothole, Morebattle Cllr Hall noted large pothole and would contact SBC. Cllr Mabon noted that roadworks were planned for early August. |
Cllr Hall
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LED street lights, Morebattle Cllr McEwan noted that the new LED lights were less effective at lighting wide areas. |
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81 Bus Service Cllr Scott reported that over the past year on approx. 5 out of 6 occasions he had taken the service from Blakelaw to Kelso in late afternoon (around 4.50pm) without having to purchase a ticket as the ‘machine had been broken’. He was concerned that passenger numbers for that service could appear to be less than actual if this was a more widespread issue and could influence future decisions on the service. SBC Cllrs Nicol and Mountford would investigate. |
SBC Cllrs Nicol and Mountford |
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Community Council Meeting Venues Cllr Bell suggested holding monthly meetings in other venues in the KCC area. Chair noted that one of the summer meetings had been held in Hownam for the past few years but not in 2015. |
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Community Resilience meeting Cllr Pedersen was looking into holding a meeting at Linton Hall. |
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Morebattle Public Toilet SBC Cllr Nicol reported that SBC Neighbourhood Services were currently looking for efficiency savings in relation to the Public Toilet in Mina Street, Morebattle. Could the community enter into a funded partnership agreement for managing the facility? A consultation is likely in the autumn. |
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Items for Next Meeting Agenda Waste Management Plan consultation |
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Next Meeting 7pm Tuesday 18 August 2015, Village Institute, Morebattle. |
Signed: Date: |
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