Minute of Meeting of 21 November 2017
Kalewater Community Council Minute of Meeting on Tuesday 21 November 2017 In the Village Institute, Morebattle Present: Community Councillors; Michael Scott (Secretary), Matilda Hall (Treasurer), Tamzin Thomas, Caroline Lang, Roderick Murray (Vice-Chair), Barbara Bell (Chair), Neil Thomson. SBC Councillor Simon Mountford. Public: Nil |
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Apologies Community Councillors; Andrew McEwan, Catherine Mabon. Not Present Community Councillor; Tom Edgar. |
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Minutes of Monthly Meeting of 17 October 2017 Proposed: Cllr Murray; Seconded: Cllr. Lang |
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Matters Arising from Actions 17 October 2017 Morebattle Street Trees Cllr Hall reported that funding had been found and that progress was being made. |
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Strimming MS to contact SBC to see if an application was made in 2017/18. Cllr Hall to contact previous Chair Eric McNulty. |
Cllr Scott Cllr Hall |
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Paths Cllr Hall reported that she hadn’t had any recent contact from the SBC Access Officer. |
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Dogs on school grounds Cllr Murray reported that new signs had been installed. Cllr Lang noted that there had been dog problems in the school playground. The playground had the potential to be made more secure. |
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Scottish Borders Local Development Plan Chair noted that SBC Planning has met with Scottish Water re. the issue of waste treatment capacity in Morebattle and that capacity will be increased during 2018/19. |
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Armistice Day Chair and Cllr Hall thanked everyone for their involvement in Armistice Day. |
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Induction Loop Chair updated the meeting on a supplier of mobile loops. Cllr Hall suggested contacting the Borders Talking Newspaper. |
Cllr Hall |
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Xmas Lights All the Xmas lights are in place. |
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Walter Leitch Bequest update Chair updated the meeting and would continue communicating with SBC’s representative. The meeting agreed (Proposed: Cllr Murray, Seconded: Cllr Hall) to create a community council sub-group to progress issues around the Bequest which could accommodate non-members as co-optees. KCC sub-group members: Cllrs; Bell, Hall, Henderson, Lang. One priority is to progress arrangements with the Australian trustees in order to have funds available for the 2018/19 academic year. |
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Waste Water Treatment capacity, Morebattle See item 3e. |
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Correspondence N/A |
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Items for Circulation Folder · Scottish Borders Health and Social Care Partnership poster · SBCCN AGM notes, 1 November 2017 · Borders Buses news bulletin |
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AOB Localities Fund SBC Cllr Mountford noted that not many applications had been received. £35k available in Cheviot for first tranche. Cllr Murray to investigate the possibility of Morebattle PS Parent Teacher Council applying for the outdoor classroom project. SBC Cllr Mountford explained that the new Cheviot Area Partnership would have 6 ward members and 4 Community Council members (from a total of 13 CCs in the area). |
Cllr Murray |
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Access issues in Heughhead, Morebattle A local resident had reported access problems for waste collections. SBC Cllr Mountford would investigate. |
SBC Cllr Mountford |
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Morebattle Primary School Vision and Values Cllr Murray tabled the results of a recent exercise with parents to develop a set of relevant values within a vision for the school. |
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Bob Pringle Award 2017 Former Chair of the community council Eric McNulty will be presented with this year’s Bob Pringle Award for services to the Morebattle community over many years and in many guises. The presentation will take place at the Christmas lights event on Sunday 3 December. |
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Items for Next Meeting Agenda N/A |
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Next Meeting 7pm, Tuesday 19 December 2017, Village Institute, Morebattle. |
Signed: Date: |
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