Minute of Meeting of 8 September 2015
Kalewater Community Council Minute of Meeting on Tuesday 8 September 2015 In the Village Institute, Morebattle Present: Community Councillors; Barbara Bell, Michael Scott (Secretary), Dot Halliday (Vice-Chair), Andrew McEwan, Catherine Mabon, Tom Edgar. SBC Councillors Alec Nicol, Simon Mountford. Public: Nil |
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Apologies Community councillors; Eric McNulty, Neil Thomson, Pat Mileham, Richard Pedersen, Matilda Hall. |
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Minutes of Previous Meeting Amendment required to content of item 3a. The minutes of the previous meeting of 18 August having been circulated were passed as a true record of events. Proposed: Cllr Bell; Seconded: Cllr. Mabon |
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Matters Arising from Actions 18 August 2015 Morebattle Development Site In response to concerns of community councillors regarding the state of the boundary between the development site and the kirkyard SBC Cllr Nicol would speak to SBC Planning Enforcement Officer and Tree Officer for a definitive statement of responsibilities. |
SBC Cllr Nicol |
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Defibrillator Training Cllr Halliday noted that training would take place on 21-24 September and that she had leafletted Morebattle and Linton. Cllr McEwan reported that he had funded Facebook advertising. Numbers attending were expected to be good. |
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Letter of Thanks Completed. |
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Bus Service 81 Bus provider had been made aware of ticketing issues via SBC Officer John Dellow. |
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Linton Hall SBC Cllr Mountford had met with SBC Chief Legal Officer and with Access Officer. The Hall deeds confirm a right of access for the owners (community) and a Right of Way for use by the public. Legal Officer has requested sight of the Land Tribunal ruling that apparently advised that the access could be re-routed by neighbouring landowner. Issue is ongoing. |
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Morebattle Archive Cllr Bell noted that six people attended the meeting on 7 September and that the proposal from the community council that the archive becomes a KCC working group will be discussed. |
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SBC Waste Management Plan consultation This item could not be discussed due to continued absence of the circulation folder. |
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Correspondence No items |
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Items for Circulation Folder The Secretary summarised some of the items going into the new circulation folder as listed on the agenda. · Southern Uplands Partnership Summer Newsletter · SESplan Main Issues Report Consultation & Events · Health and Social Care Integration Event and Annual Conference 9 September 2015 · SBC Neighbourhood Operations Review focus group, 10am 9 September 2015, Kelso · Scottish Govt. Town Centre Communities Capital Fund |
Cllr Bell |
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AOB Walter Leitch Fund SBC Cllr Mountford circulated a document from SBC re. the education-related fund which also covers Yetholm, Oxnam and Jedburgh (in relation to the catchment of the ‘Junior Secondary’ which once existed in Morebattle). Once more information was available, SBC Financial Officer Lynne Mirley would be available to attend a community council meeting to answer questions. |
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Linton road bridge Cllr Bell asked if the bridge at Linton Burnfoot could have a single lane arrangement for safety reasons. SBC Cllr Nicol agreed to look into the issues. |
SBC Cllr Nicol |
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Sports Success SBC Cllr Nicol reported that a local family had achieved recent curling success. Cllr McEwan to add news item to website. |
Cllr McEwan |
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Community Council Notice Board Cllr Bell suggested that the old board needed replacing. In his absence Cllr Pedersen was suggested to take forward the action |
Cllr Pedersen |
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Items for Next Meeting Agenda Morebattle Archive |
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Next Meeting 7pm Tuesday 20 October 2015, Village Institute, Morebattle. |
Signed: Date: |
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