Minute of Meeting on Tuesday 18 September 2012

Kalewater Community Council


Minute of Meeting on Tuesday 18 September 2012

In the Village Institute, Morebattle

Present:  Community Councillors; Eric McNulty (chair), Helen Cessford (Vice-Chair), Matilda Hall, Andrew McEwan, Sarah Dixon, Michael Scott (Secretary), Richard Pedersen. SBC Councillors Alec Nicol, Simon Mountford.

Public: 1





Cllrs Paul Grime, George Aitchison.



Minutes of Previous Meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting of 21 August having been circulated were then passed as a true record of events.

Proposed: Cllr Pedersen; Seconded: Cllr. McEwan



Matters Arising from 21 August Actions







Cllr Hall noted that the primary school had some concerns over play area developments. Cllr Cessford noted that a meeting in November would decide on funding for play equipment. Cllr McEwan believed that the play area was on land managed by SBC. Cllr Cessford to contact SBC Parks Officer Dougie Mallin for details of the land ownership situation.




Cllr Cessford


Consultation on ideas for proposed Scottish Government Community Empowerment and Renewal Bill, deadline 26 September 2012

The document was not available and was likely to still be in circulation. Chair noted that he attended a briefing at The Bridge, Jedburgh. Chair to respond on behalf od the community council.





Appointment of Treasurer

Chair asked for a volunteer. Cllr Hall offered to fill the post on a temporary basis. Proposed: Cllr Cessford, Seconded: Cllr Scott.




  • Scottish Communities Climate Action Network - invitation to join
  • New SBC Carbon Reduction Officer
    Andrew Haddon to be invited to next meeting.
  • Letter from Robert Davidson committee re. installing a plaque to commemorate founding of the ‘Working Men’s’ Library’. No objections from the community council.
  • Letter from an individual requesting ‘Deer Warning’ signs near Bowmont Forest by Mainhouse. Noted that this was outside community council boundary.







Items for Circulation Folder

The Secretary summarised some of the items going into the new circulation folder as listed on the agenda.

  • Consultation on Scottish Borders Woodland Strategy Advice Note 2012, deadline 11 October 2012
  • Lothian & Borders Police Board August 2012 Update
  • Affordable Rented Housing - Analysis of consultation responses published
  • Cheviot Wardens Newsletter, August 2012
  • ‘Our Wee Village’











  • Cllr Pedersen concerned that Royal Mail staff were having problems emptying village post box when dogs were tied up to it.
  • Cllr Hall asked for a volunteer to join the school’s Parent Council. Cllr Dixon agreed to volunteer.
  • Cllr Dixon updated re. the Kelso Stakeholders’ Group: the new location for the taxi rank had recently been agreed. Public art commission progress was ongoing with an exhibition planned for the Tait Hall of potential works.
  • SBC Cllr Mountford reported the some winter ‘pre-gritting’ of certain roads would cease. SBC Cllr Nicol noted that requests for salt bins should be made to Council officer Alastair Finnie.
  • Although the Chair noted progress with recent problems at Heughhead, a local resident noted that problems were still being reported to the landlord SBHA. SBC Cllrs Mountford and Nicol would attempt to progress a resolution of the issues.
  • Action expected soon on the Jubilee Bridge.
  • Lights had been installed in the village public toilets.










SBC Cllrs Mountford & Nicol


Next Meeting

Consultation on Scottish Borders Woodland Strategy Advice Note 2012, deadline 11 October 2012.

Armistice Day arrangements.


16 October 2012 at the Village Institute, Morebattle



Meeting concluded at 8.20pm






  • Tuesday, 18 September 2012

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