Minute of Meeting on Tuesday 20 November 2012

Kalewater Community Council


Minute of Meeting on Tuesday 20 November 2012

In the Village Institute, Morebattle

Present:  Community Councillors; Eric McNulty (chair), Helen Cessford (Vice-Chair), Sarah Dixon, Michael Scott (Secretary), Paul Grime, Richard Pedersen. SBC Councillors Alec Nicol.

Public: 2





Cllrs; George Aitchison, Andrew McEwan, Matilda Hall.

SBC Cllr Simon Mountford.



Minutes of Previous Meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting of 16 October having been circulated were then passed as a true record of events.

Proposed: Cllr McNulty; Seconded: Cllr. Pedersen



Matters Arising from 16 October Actions



























Completed. Cllr Cessford met with SBC Officer Ronnie Pattenden. Suggested street signage changes tabled.



Carry Forward



Resilient Community Plans

Presentation from SBC Officers Jim Fraser (Emergency Planning), Alastair Finnie and David Richardson (Environment & Infrastructure).

Jim Fraser noted that 6 community councils already had active plans and 15 others were progressing. Yetholm CC were the first, having contacted SBC 18 months ago after the severe winter. SBC’s debrief following the winter led to development of a plan that would formulate and coordinate voluntary support for a community council area. Existing flood groups are an example.

Mr Fraser emphasised that a RC plan is not a means of cutting back services but is a way to assist communities.

SBC can alert a community well in advance of severe weather via an agreement with the Met Office.

The plan contains a community profile, flood maps, priority gritting routes, etc.

A RC plan is initiated by a community questionnaire. Followed by a public meeting and the formulation of the plan itself, normally within 4-6 weeks. The plan requires 30-40 people per community council area.

Benefits of a plan include 1st aid training, early warnings of severe weather, police advice and equipment includes personal protective equipment, torches and shovels. Community council insurance covers the named volunteers.

Plans are reviewed after any significant events. Contacts are reviewed annually. A community website is essential.

Chair to contact SBC officer Linda Cornwall to progress a plan.

Community councillors thanked Mr Fraser and his colleagues for a very stimulating presentation.


















SBC Carbon Reduction Officer

Andrew Haddon introduced himself as the new carbon reduction officer. Having taken up the post 3 months ago and with a background in carbon reduction projects in Northumberland (car club, electric charging points, etc.) he was visiting communities to hear their plans and develop ideas.

In Scottish Borders projects include a bakery in a community centre kitchen, food growing, community building, energy saving projects.

He will meet with Morebattle PS eco-committee. Emphasised that the post was aimed at all community groups.

Noted that car clubs were becoming more common and relies on someone in the community offering their under-utilised vehicle. A computer is installed in the vehicle and the owner recompensed based on usage.

Cllr Cessford to speak to headteacher Linda McCall re. progressing carbon reduction projects.

Community councillors thanked Mr Haddon for his interesting presentation.










Cllr Cessford


SBC Cheviot Area Forum update

Chair attended recent meeting and found it a positive experience. Much discussion over proposed new Kelso High School.

Next meeting is in Jedburgh – any issues can be raised through Chair.




A community council website is necessary for a Resilient Community Plan. Item for next agenda when Cllr McEwan is present.




Christmas Lights

To be switched on: 14 December. The Guild have booked an accordionist. The cherry tree needs pruning to enable the lights to be hung.


 Cllr Grime



  • Nomination of SBCCN representatives
  • Letter from Scottish Health Campaigns Network (SHCN)




Items for Circulation Folder

The Secretary summarised some of the items going into the new circulation folder as listed on the agenda.

  • Update on work of the Scottish Govt. Affordable Rented Housing Advisory Group
  • Scottish Borders Council Local Development Plan – update
  • DECC review on Onshore Wind Community Engagement and Benefits
  • Cheviot SB Wardens Newsletter, October 2012
  • Scottish Borders Community Council Network AGM, 22 November 2012
  • Christmas Carols, Morebattle, 14 December 2012















  • SBC Cllr Nicol reported that Vattenfall’s wind farm planning application continues to be held up by MOD objections.
  • SBC Cllr Nicol to meet with Borders Energy Agency re. ‘homogenising’ community wind farm benefits.
  • Cllr Dixon asked how income from postcards, funded by Vattenfall, should be distributed. Item for next agenda when Treasurer present.
  • Cllr Cessford called SBC re. the lack of 30mph warning signs at the primary school. And will also contact the school itself.
  • Member of public present noted damaged road edge on the Morebattle – Yetholm road at the Pikings junction to Hownam. SBC Officer Pattenden will be contacted.






                              Cllr Cessford



Items for Next Meeting Agenda

Proposal to co-opt new member

Resilient Community Plan

Income from postcards



Next Meeting

Tuesday 18 December 2012



Meeting concluded at 9.05pm






  • Tuesday, 20 November 2012

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