Minutes of 19 December 2017

Kalewater Community Council

Minute of Meeting on Tuesday 19 December 2017

In the Village Institute, Morebattle

Present: Community Councillors; Michael Scott (Secretary), Matilda Hall (Treasurer), Tamzin Thomas, Barbara Bell (Chair), Tom Edgar, Catherine Mabon, Catherine Henderson.

SBC Councillor Simon Mountford.

Public: Nil




Apologies Community Councillors; Andrew McEwan, Roderick Murray (Vice-Chair), Caroline Lang.

Not Present Community Councillor; Neil Thomson.



Minutes of Monthly Meeting of 21 November 2017

Proposed: Cllr Hall; Seconded: Cllr. Thomas.





Matters Arising from Actions 21 November 2017

Morebattle Street Trees






No further action.



Induction Loop

Cllr Hall had contacted a supplier of mobile induction loops but had no response. She would contact suppliers of permanent loops



Cllr Hall


Localities Fund

SBC Cllr Mountford gave an update that three bids from the Cheviot area have qualified. A bid relating to Morebattle Primary School did not qualify due to criteria specifying no refurbishment or replacement of previous facilities.



Access issues in Heughhead, Morebattle

SBC Cllr Mountford had received a letter from SBC stating that there had been no issues collecting waste from the location in question..





Walter Leitch Bequest update

Chair noted that the KCC sub-group now consisted of Cllrs. Bell, Hall, Henderson and Lang and had also co-opted a member of the local community (LS) as someone with relevant experience. Two meetings of the group had been held.

Chair tabled the following update:

Walter Leitch Awards Briefing Memo – 17 December 2017

The sub-committee had two meetings, on 13 November 2017 and 6 December 2017, at which the shape of the awards and their organisation going forward were discussed.  We are now bringing to KCC concrete proposals derived from those meetings for its approval.

We were conscious that whilst we were setting in place a system that should enable the students from Morebattle School to access the help that Walter Leitch willed to them going forward, we were also creating obligations for the Community Council and an ongoing relationship with the staff of the school.  With this in mind, we have endeavoured to make the process as simple as possible, with a view to having it up and running for September 2018 and an automatic review of the process after five years. We recognise that we cannot legislate for every eventuality at this stage in the process.

A number of additional issues were also considered when shaping the awards:

•    We have a pot of money in reserve which will help us to make up any shortfall caused by large numbers of applicants. However, this must last us for many years, for example, the usual graduating class numbers 10. If there are 6 qualifying applicants for a Walter Leitch Award and the minimum award is £400, this is £2,400 and £200 more than the amount that usually comes from Australia.

•    Since the awards have not been operating fully over the last few years, we should expect to receive some applications from students who would ordinarily have been dealt with earlier.

•    We need to work pro-actively with the school in order to ensure that we and they are satisfied with the method for ensuring that students and their families have the sources of information and support that they need to access the awards.

•    We need to work pro-actively with SBC to ensure prompt payments to students and to arrange the access to necessary data, such as school registers. We also need to arrange a suitable element of funding for KCC’s expenses, such as publicity materials.

Aims and Objectives

•    To operate the two funds, named for Walter Leitch and James Henderson, in such a way as to honour both the spirit and the substance of Walter Leitch’s wishes as set out in his will.

•    To provide as broad an access to Walter Leitch’s funds as may be practicable and fair.

•    To provide a clear, equitable and timely, process for students and their families to apply for the monies.

•    To operate the funds in such a way as to try to ensure their continuation into the future, whilst fulfilling any requirements set on their operation by SBC and the lawyers managing the trust.

The Proposal

1.  Both the Walter Leitch Awards and the James Henderson scholarships will be available on one occasion to former pupils of Morebattle Primary School who have a confirmed offer of a place on a course at an accredited institution of further/higher education. There is no age limit.

2.  The Walter Leitch Awards are available for any course or qualification in any subject at any institution. The grants are available at any time during the student’s attendance on the course. There is ordinarily no limit to the number of grants that may be awarded in any one academic year.

3.  The James Henderson Scholarships are available to students undertaking an undergraduate degree at any Scottish institution in any subject. There will be two scholarships awarded in any one academic year. If there are more than two applications, the scholarships will be awarded to those students with the highest exam grades on entry to the course. Unsuccessful applicants will be automatically entered for a Walter Leitch Award.

4.  Applications for either awards or scholarships should be received by mid-August preceding the start of the relevant academic year.

5.  There will be a review of the workings of the Awards/Scholarship scheme after 5 years of the commencement of KCC administration.

6.  Students should have attended Morebattle Primary School for a minimum period of one year. This would link to the hiring system that pertained locally in Walter Leitch’s time.

7.  Retrospective awards will not be awarded.

The community council asked for an amendment in clause 6 to clarify that attendance at the primary school was for ‘P1 to P7’. The meeting agreed with the other clauses.

In answer to questions and suggestions to the sub-group it was clarified that there would be no appeals process, that each award recipient must complete a short report on what value they had gained from their award. A request that the application process be carried out ‘blind’ was rejected "as this was unnecessary due to process."

A news release would be drafted.



































































































Bus Service 81b Kelso - Eckford - Morebattle - Yetholm – Kelso, Intention to withdraw service from 31 March 2018

A number of community councillors queried the 2016/17 passenger figures from SBC, being used to justify withdrawal of the service. Figures for 17/18 should also be considered. Request from SBC.

Cllr Mabon would gather figures from community members that use the service. There were comments on Facebook too.

Potential to coordinate with Yetholm CC and to put a request on the Morebattle website. Cllr Mabon would discuss with Cllr Murray.









Cllr Mabon


Planning Application
Erection of dwellinghouse and detached garage (approval of all matters specified in conditions 14/00992/PPP), Land South West Of Agricultural Building, Howgate, Hownam, KELSO

Community councillors were content with the planning application.








Chair read a letter from SBC re. the new Cheviot Area Partnership.

Chair tabled SBC Supplementary Guidance on Housing.




Items for Circulation Folder

·   Police Scotland Kelso Ward Monthly Report – December 2017

·   Morebattle and Yetholm Windfall Fund

·   SBC Festive Waste arrangements

·   The Bridge newsletter
Can a PDF version be made available?










Emergency Services Communications Network - Hownam

SBC Cllr Mountford noted that consultants working on behalf of the UK Govt Home Office were investigating coverage for the new Emergency Services Network which would replace the current voice-only system with one able to carry broadband data. The network will cover public roads that have no mobile data coverage. Masts for the network require line-of-sight with the roads, combined with a power supply, suitable vehicle access and landowners willing to host the equipment. The aim is to share with any suitable existing mobile mast sites.

Following a search for suitable locations, Sharplaw Farm at Hownam has been identified. A Planning Application will follow.



KCC contact list

SBC Cllr Mountford requested that an update community councillor contact list be circulated..





Road Markings B6436/B6401 junction

Cllr Mabon noted that members of the local community were concerned at the lack of road markings at the junction of the B6436 and B6401 just outside Morebattle and also on the road between Morebattle and Yetholm. Contact SBC Officer David Richardson.







Road surface issues, Morebattle

Cllr Mabon noted deterioration of the B6401 road surface through Morebattle, especially at junctions, and the poor state of the pavement down to the Village Hall.




SBC Cllr Mountford


Parking issues, Morebattle

Cllr Edgar noted difficulties for large HGVs turning from Main Street into Mainsfield Avenue. SBC Cllr Mountford to investigate whether discretionary white lines could be altered to discourage parking near the junction.





SBC Cllr Mountford



Chair thanked everyone for their work for Kalewater Community Council in 2017.


Items for Next Meeting Agenda




Next Meeting

7pm, Tuesday 16 January 2018, Village Institute, Morebattle.






  • Monday, 19 February 2018

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