Minutes of Meeting 21 October 2014

Kalewater Community Council

Minute of Meeting on Tuesday 21 October 2014

In the Village Institute, Morebattle

Present: Community Councillors; Eric McNulty (Chair), Michael Scott (Secretary), George Aitchison, Andrew McEwan, Matilda Hall, Dot Halliday, Richard Pedersen, Barbara Bell, Cathy Mabon.

Public: Nil





Community Councillor Andrew McEwan, Tom Edgar, SBC Councillors Alec Nicol, Simon Mountford.



Minutes of Previous Meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting of 16 September having been circulated were passed as a true record of events.

Proposed: Cllr Aitchison; Seconded: Cllr. Halliday







Matters Arising from 16 September Actions

Defibrillators Cllr Aitchison provided an update: 4 defibrillators would be available through NHS Borders and Scottish HART, potentially providing cover for Morebattle by the institute), Hownam village hall (decision due in November), Linton (no site found but Cllr Hall investigating) and Cessford (by ‘phone box).

It was agreed to make a donation of £200 to HART.

Both internal and external options are available and would require electrical work to provide heating for units.

Training would be provided at BGH prior to installation.

Maintenance would be provided by the Scottish Ambulance Service with weekly checks.







Cllrs Hall and Aitchison


CPR Training, September Cllr Aitchison reported that CPR training was attended by 10 people and that the trainer could return in the future if required.



EGM to amend community council constitution Secretary noted that after investigation that it might not be necessary to hold a separate EGM. Agreed to include a motion on the next monthly agenda.






Trysting tree pruning costs Chair discussed issue with Institute which wished to contribute 25% of costs. Cllr Hall had received no response from either the Kelso or Jed festival committees but would wait until November. Cllr Hall had also spoken to a local welder re. removing part of the metal guard.





Cllr Hall


Scottish Borders Council Supplementary Guidance: Affordable Housing Review and Update, deadline 26 September 2014

Secretary reported that after reading the document he had not found any issues that required a response from the community council.



Planning applications Secretary confirmed responses sent.



Invite to join Vodafone Rural Sure Signal Programme Applications extended to 7 November. Email details to Chair.




Defibrillator update

See item 3a.



Christmas Lights

Chair reported that the LEDs would be checked by an electrician as one string is faulty. The lights would be switched on 7 December. If replacements are required the treasurer confirmed that there were sufficient funds.








Chair reported that at the recent SBCCN meeting, other community councils affected by the Council’s Review of Polling Places were objecting. Cllr Aitchison noted that there had been a very high turnout of voters in Hownam for the referendum.



Items for Circulation Folder

The Secretary summarised some of the items going into the new circulation folder as listed on the agenda.

·  Crailing, Eckford & Nisbet CC News, October 2014

·  Police Scotland Kelso area monthly report, September 2014

·  Southern Upland Partnership newsletter, September 2014

·  Tweed Forum newsletter, summer 2014








Cllr Hall raised the issue of how to improve the publicising of community council activities. Currently the monthly meeting minutes appear on the Morebattle website and are linked to the SBC website and the Morebattle Facebook page. The village shop is emailed agenda and minutes.

Cllr Pedersen would look into repairing the Morebattle noticeboard.







Cllr Pedersen


Cllr Halliday reported that the Post Office outreach service had been unavailable on the past 2 visits to Morebattle due to faulty equipment. Cllrs Halliday and Hall had written to PO Customer Services. Secretary to write on behalf of community council.






For Armistice Day on 10 November Cllr Hall has made arrangements for a speaker and for music.



Names are welcomed for the Bob Pringle Award for Morebattle.



There had been no response from the owner of the development site in Morebattle to the recent letter from the community council. An update to be sent to SBC Cllr Nicol.





Treasurer circulated a set of interim account statements for information.



Mobile Operators Association meeting on 27 October in Selkirk. Details to be circulated ASAP.




Items for Next Meeting Agenda

Defibrillator cabinets.

Motion to Co-opt New Member, Neil Thomson.



Next Meeting

7pm Tuesday 18 November 2014, Village Institute, Morebattle.

Meeting ended 8.05pm






  • Sunday, 15 March 2015

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