Minutes of Meeting of 16 September 2014

Kalewater Community Council

Minute of Meeting on Tuesday 16 September 2014

In the Village Institute, Morebattle

Present: Community Councillors; Eric McNulty (Chair), Michael Scott (Secretary), George Aitchison, Andrew McEwan, Matilda Hall, Dot Halliday, Richard Pedersen, Cathy Mabon, SBC Councillor Simon Mountford.

Public: 1





Community Councillor Andrew McEwan, SBC Councillor Alec Nicol.



Minutes of Previous Meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting of 15 August having been circulated were then passed as a true record of events.

Proposed: Cllr Hall; Seconded: Cllr Aitchison.







Matters Arising from 15 August Actions

Defibrillators Cllr Aitchison announced that up to 5 defibrillators could be available through NHS Borders and Scottish HART, potentially providing cover for Morebattle, Hownam, Linton, Cessford and Pennymuir. Cllr Hall and Cllr Aitchison to discuss how this development might impact on the fund-raising efforts.

Cllr Pedersen noted that CPR training would take place in the village hall on Monday 29 September at 7.30pm. Spaces were still available.







Cllrs Hall and Aitchison


Cllr Pedersen


Cllr Hall to forward details of potential co-optees to Secretary Completed.



Local drama group support Cllr Hall reported that production of a play based on local poet Robert Davidson had been postponed until Spring 2015.



EGM required to amend community council constitution Secretary apologised for missing the 14 day deadline for an EGM motion and that one would be circulated before the next meeting on 21 October.






Trysting tree pruning costs Cllrs Hall and Halliday had obtained estimates for reducing the size of the beech tree. As the tree was planted on the village institute’s ground before the community council was created, the Chair would approach the institute with the estimates and an offer of a £50 donation from the community council. It was noted that the estimates did not include the cost of removing part of a metal guard which had been engulfed by the growing tree. Cllr Hall would investigate removal of the guard.

A suggestion was made that the Kelso and Jed festival committees be approached for a financial contribution.








Cllr Hall


Morebattle potholes SBC Cllr Mountford and Cllr McNulty met with SBC Officer Ronnie Pattenden. Permanent patching in Main Street, Morebattle would be considered for 2015/16. The road surface at the junction of Mainsfield Avenue was not a safety defect and could be made good with a permanent patch. Potholes and ruts on Main Street would be cleaned. Gullies would be cleared too.

The ‘hole in the field’ issue has been passed to Eildon Housing although it has been ongoing for over 12 months.



Morebattle development site Letter sent to owner requesting regular maintenance to avoid excessive weed growth.



Defibrillator update

See item 3a.



Scottish Borders Council Supplementary Guidance: Affordable Housing Review and Update, deadline 26 September 2014

Secretary to respond on behalf of community council.





Planning applications
14/00985/FUL Erection of detached studio, Glebe Cottage, Teapot Street, Morebattle

Community council had no comment.

14/00992/PPP Erection of dwelling house, Hownam Howgate, Kelso

Community council had no comment.








Invite to join Vodafone Rural Sure Signal Programme

Chair summarised that small transmitter was being offered to enable a 3G signal for Vodafone services with a range of up to 500m in a box the size of an internet router. Cllr Scott to pursue for Blakelaw residents.





Cllr Scott


Proposal to Elect Co-opted Members

Barbara Alexandra Erskine Bell

Braeside, Teapot Street, Morebattle, Kelso, TD5 8QH.

Elector Number: 518.

Proposed: Matilda Hall, Seconded: Dot Halliday

Thomas W. Edgar

Linton Bankhead Farm, Linton, Kelso, TD5 8AF.

Elector Number: 8H 197.

Proposed: Matilda Hall, Seconded: Eric McNulty

Chair welcomed the two new co-optees who introduced themselves; Barbara had committee and Quality Assurance experience and Tom had farmed for 28 years at Whitton and then Linton.

Secretary would email KCC map, contact list, constitution and code of conduct.




















Chair received an invitation to The Bridge (RAVS) for 30 September AGM.



Items for Circulation Folder

The Secretary summarised some of the items going into the new circulation folder as listed on the agenda.

·  Crailing, Eckford & Nisbet CC News, September 2014

·  Police Scotland Kelso area monthly report, August 2014

·  Southern Upland Partnership update

·  SBBCN letter to Scottish Government minister re. community council powers.








SBC Cllr Mountford reported that the Kelso recycling centre would open at the new Pinnaclehill industrial estate in Spring 2015.



SBC Cllr Mountford reported that the mobile library service was changing with one of the four vehicles being retired. The frequency of visits would be every third week with Morebattle visited on a Friday.



Chair congratulated the Morebattle in Bloom committee on behalf of the community council for their success in the 2014 competition. Cllr Mabon attended the presentation.



Secretary to forward information to Cllr Bell re. wildflower seedballs offer.




SBC Cllr Mountford noted that with SBC making significant savings over the next 5 years that the local community would be approached to take over the operation of the public toilet in Morebattle (opening, closing and cleaning).



Items for Next Meeting Agenda

Christmas lights.



Next Meeting

7pm for EGM, followed by monthly general meeting Tuesday 21 October 2014 at the Village Institute, Morebattle.






  • Tuesday, 21 October 2014

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